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Honesty: Third-Party Testing at Every Step of Our Process. Honesty: Third-Party Testing at Every Step of Our Process.

Honesty: Third-Party Testing at Every Step of Our Process.

What I think you read was, “They test a lot.” 

Let me reiterate: We test at every. Single. Step. Of our process. 

Our process from sprout-to-sale begins and ends with testing. Before planting our certified organic clones, we test the soil at each farm for nutrient viability and contaminants such as heavy metals, pesticides, and herbicides. 

Before we harvest our plants, we test them for cannabinoids so we know exactly what we’re working with. After harvest, we prepare them for extraction and test our extracted rosin before we use it for formulation. Once our products are formulated, we test them a final time - these are the test results that correspond to the code on your product.

All-in-all, we test our products about four times before they ever leave our shelves.

Is this too much testing?

The answer is simple: no. We believe there is no such thing as “too much testing” when it comes to wellness products. Nothing is more important than ensuring the safety and quality of our CBD products. 

Closing the transparency gap is one of our goals as a company. We want folks to understand exactly what goes into their CBD. We’re here to provide the most transparent and honest CBD product on the market. 

For more information on our testing practices, head over to our testing page.

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